SOLD!! 1971 Lake LA4-200 - $80,000
For sale or possible trade
TTAF: 3500 hrs
Engine: 1035 TSO.
Prop: 2200 TSO (25hrs since eddy current inspection). No leaks, no operational issues at all.
Mods/Equipment: Narco Com, Kx 155 needs attention, Garmin GTX 327, Garmin GPS 150. Lots of mods: VG's, Lake/Air audio warning system, cargo door, Q-tip Prop, Wing Fillets, Rudder Trim, Hydro-Boosters. Fun airplane with newer clean interior and paint. Gets a lot of attention on and off the water.
Contact Dillon via Text/Call: 573 822 8954, or email dillon@barronaviation.com